Category: Accessories

Live-Vibe Audio RP-1 Vibration Management by Moreno Mitchell

October 18, 2024

      A Game Changer I honestly believe that the High-end audio hobby, journey, or whatever you want to call it has to be one of the most subjective, diverse, not to omit rewarding [Read More]

Black Cat Cable – Graceline Level 1 “Kibou” series cables by Terry London

September 18, 2024

  I have had a long history, dating back to 2019, using full looms of Black Cat cables in my systems. The first loom of Black Cat cables that were used in my different rigs [Read More]

Entreq Protectus & Max T Mix T2 by Moreno Mitchell

August 19, 2024

  Entreq (Energy Transforming Equipment) has been a mainstay in my audio system since 2009. I started using Entreq Grounding boxes in various models. To this day, I still use Entreq products such as grounding [Read More]

Acoustic Revive RHR-21 Acoustic Resolution Exciter by Clement Perry

August 6, 2024

Fine-tuning one’s listening room is an art in and of itself and among my greatest passions. I’ve been fine-tuning my room for nearly three decades. Using the third-floor attic of my brick home, I’ve had [Read More]

Main Stream Master Class Dynamic Parallel AC Line Conditioner by Greg Voth

August 5, 2024

The Main Stream Master Class Dynamic Parallel AC Line Conditioner, designed by Peter Madnick for Vera-Fi Audio, is a 5-inch long, 3-sided plug-in device, approximately 2 inches wide. Its case is milled extruded aluminum, and [Read More]

ESP RENAISSANCE Power Cord & RENAISSANCE Power Distributor by Bill Wells

June 25, 2024

  Over many years of visiting numerous exhibits at various high-end audio shows, often the first thing I typically notice and tend to focus on are the speakers. I also fully appreciate the supporting cast [Read More]

Dynamic Design Constellation AC Power Cords by Mike Wright

June 3, 2024

  I have been a consistent fan and admirer of Dynamic Design cables since the early 2000s. My system has changed many times, but the one thing that has been consistent during my 21 years [Read More]

Synergistic Research Active Grounding Block SX by Michael Girardi

May 10, 2024

  Precision in Leading Edge Transients Once in a while, you get that itch to try something new.  It happened with the introduction of the Synergistic Research Master Fuses.  I called Andy Wiederspahn, President of [Read More]

Entreq Audio Konstantin Revelation Cables and Olympus Ten T Ground Boxes by Dave Thomas

April 26, 2024

    Some audio designers adopt a mindset about what their products are designed to do, and that mindset permeates their designs throughout their careers. Having had some Entreq cables in my system through most [Read More]

DR Acoustics Antigone 3.0 Power Management System/Virtual Ground System by Mike Wright

March 15, 2024

    Power conditioners have become a nearly necessary, highly misunderstood piece of audio gear. Most audiophiles feel they have good electricity coming to their rooms and don’t need an AC conditioner. Those are the [Read More]

Arche Audio (48)Vinshine Audio (71)Als Audio 2 (67)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry