Neotech Professional Cables

Neotech Professional Cables
Silver series Speaker, Interconnects, Digital and Power Cords


September 2007


During my 40 year audio journey to find the best sound from affordable audio components, I discovered that in this business/hobby there are journeys within journeys. Finding the right speaker is a journey; the right preamp; the right amp. Each component requires auditions, product research and comparisons prior to making an informed purchase decision.

Cables are probably the most purchased component in audio because of what they can render upon systems by virtue of technological advances in cable design and affordability. I know I’ve experimented with cables more so than any other component because of the variety designs and price points.


I thought it would be interesting to review the Neotech line of cables because of my prior experience with Harmonic Technology and Acoustic Zen cables which espouse the use of the same UP-OCC Technology. This technology is licensed to Neotech by Dr. Atsumi Ohno of the Chiba Institute of Technology. Dr. Ohno developed this technology by using a heated mold process of cooling. By doing so, it allows the molecules of copper and silver to form tightly to produce massive crystals while also creating fewer grain boundaries. Thus yielding a >99.99998% pure cable that virtually creates a direct connection between system components. (Please refer to their website for a more specific and quantifiable explanation.)


Cable Installation
I installed all of the cables at the same time rather than try to hear whether each individual cable made a difference. The Neotechs were a breeze to install compared to my former reference cables, the Virtual Dynamics Revelation series. The VD cables’ least favorable attribute was the installation process due to their extremely rigid construction and weight.

I installed the NEDI-4001 digital cable between my Nova Physics Memory Player and my preamp. Also inserted from the preamp to the Art of Sound Tyrus subwoofer is the NEI-2001 interconnect. Finally, from the Boz amps to a pair of Sunny Cable Technology H2W10 speakers (review forthcoming) were the very impressive NES-1002 speaker cable.


The Sound
So what do they sound like you ask? Well, after a considerable amount of burn-in (about 300 hours) I began to hear the sonic qualities of these impressive cables come through. My first observation was that they were neutral and naturally coherent on all music played. Their presentation proved less forward and sounded smoother than the VD cables. I listened to music that would test the cables for dynamics, bass, imaging, high-frequency extension soundstage and depth and most importantly test my familiarity to these wonderful CDs.

First up was The Nearness of You from Ella and Louis [Verve MGV 4003]. As you know, Ella Fitzgerald is well known for her tender, sweet phrasing when singing a Gershwin song or scatting to the rhythmic tunes of a trumpet when she sang with Chic Web’s band. She’s idolized and copied by other artists because of her innovative and melodic style. Louis Armstrong on the other hand revolutionized how the trumpet should be played, and sang songs with a voice that sounded like gravel on silk. Other trumpet giants like Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Jon Faddis and countless others attested to the innovative genius of Mr. Armstrong. While listening to this CD through the Neotech cables you are treated to a performance that is unmistakably riveting. The high-frequency ability of these cables allowed the sound of Mr. Armstrong’s trumpet to sound just right; not too bright or brash. And Ella’s Voice is oh so sweet and intoxicating that you sense their special kinship. The tonal shading presented by these cables lets you through to the ebb and flow of how they present this song. The air around the bell of Mr. Armstrong’s trumpet, highlights his position in the recording studio.

Next up was, “Take Five” from the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s Time Out [Columbia/Legacy ck 65122]. This is a relatively long song (5 min. 34 sec.) but I wished it could just play on and on. I selected this recording for its dynamics, bass, rhythm and pace. The Neotech proved its worthiness during the presentation of this recording. Joe Morello’s lead-in introduction of bass drum and soft cymbals had all the snap crackle and pop that rendered this CD a dynamic test for audio systems. He’s followed by the seductive piano of Dave Brubeck then enters the burnished sound of Paul Desmond’s saxophone and lending to the foundation of this song and keeping up the pace on bass is Eugene Wright. Take Five is the kind of music that is so musically involving with its hypnotic pace that I uncontrollably started patting my foot to keep pace with the bass drum. When I set the volume to more lifelike levels the Neotech came alive as well. Not only did the recording take on a life of its own, but it now introduced the studio into the recording via the micro and macro detail of the performance. My listening room was filled with music because the cables provided a large and perceptibly deep soundstage.

In summary
The Neotech Cable ensemble provided this listener with a palpably real and lifelike sonic presentation. They achieved all the standard tonal requirements to make them a very musically viable product, capable of easily satisfying your listening needs. They are worthy of a serious audition and could end your cable journey.


Speaker Cable Model NES-1002. Price $2,600.00 per 6 foot pair.
RCA Interconnect Model NEI-2001. Price $895.00 per meter.
Balanced Digital Cable NEDI-4001. Price $850.00 per meter.
Power Cord NEP-3002. Price $360.00 per mete

Capativa Tech. Inc.
1341 Distribution Way Unit 11
Vista CA 92083
Tel: 760-727-1305
Fax: 760-598-1447
Website: http://


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