Capital Audio Fest 2019


This year’s Capital Audio Fest proved far bigger and better than I could have anticipated! Writers Greg Voth, Tim Barrall and I drove the 225 miles south from Jersey City, NJ to Rockville, MD via i95 against a relatively bright and sunny morning sky (we met up with Bill Wells and Greg’s nephew Phillip, photo above right, at the show). Due to a hectic schedule, I missed the first day (Friday), we we agreed to leave early Saturday. After an easy 3 1/2 hour drive, arrived slightly before 12 noon where we were greeted by CAF volunteers who were readied with our press badges and show guides. We literally hit the ground running upon entering in the Rockville Hilton Hotel in the hopes that we might be able to cover this local audio event in a day. Fortunately, we were wrong.


Previously, the CAF, as well as any show I could think of east of Chicago, proved unsuccessful at attracting tons of manufacturers (and even we, the press). That has officially changed. Hats off to Christina Yuin and staff, who I know had plenty to do with making this show the success it has become.  Greg Voth reminded me that we attended this show some years ago. That I didn’t remember should tell you how big it was a few years ago. Here were music and audio lovers from all over teeming through more than 75 rooms located on five levels of this spacious hotel. Because this was my first time at this locale, I had trouble finding all the rooms featuring manufacturers I’ve had the luxury of seeing only in Europe. But I was able to capture some that I had no idea were attending the CAF and, for obvious reasons, am glad to see them state-side.  


1561852319_1274707.jpgThere exists an atmosphere and an energy at the Capital Audio Fest that reminded me of the early years of the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Just looking around at the sheer size of this hotel and all the attendence told me I think we should have probably booked a room for the night. Attempting to capture this event was going to take more than a single day of coverage. Fortunately, we did what we could and having my newly purchased Canon camera (5D MK IV equipped with a new 24/70mm L lens!), I was hyped and ready to take as many photos as possible. What made the walk through as easy as the ride down (via that big body Mercedes Benz S Class) was the unusual sights, the wonderful folks and of course, the music flowing throughout. Here’s a sneak peek…..


A fine wiff of Miles Davis’ Sketches of Spain had me floating right into this suite…

Other eye catching sights included….


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Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, and Stephen Yan,

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, John Hoffman, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

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