Author: David Abramson

Audio Art SE cables

May 5, 2010

Audio Art SE cables The ‘I-Factor’     May 2010      I am a fan of cables, but I am not a fan of cable reviews. Oh, like you, I LOVE to read them, but writing them? [Read More]

Redwine Audio Isabella Preamplifier

September 2, 2009

Redwine Audio Isabella Preamplifier Ah Isabella- -Che Bella Bambina!    September 2009    Great minds generally dream up and pursue only one legendarily great and defining idea. Sadly, it seems that’s all eighty years (give [Read More]

Daedalus Audio DA-RMa loudspeakers

June 18, 2009

Daedalus Audio DA-RMa loudspeakers In Search of the One True DA-RMa     June 2009                        It isn’t that I intentionally seek out small, artisanal companies from which to review product; it’s just that Dave [Read More]

Stereovox Vespa Interconnects and Firebird Speaker cables

January 14, 2009

Stereovox Vespa Interconnects and Firebird Speaker cables David Blaine-like Magic!   October 2008        The way I see it, there are really only four categories of audio wire; The Cheap, The Reasonable, The Expensive and [Read More]

The Audio Research LS17 Preamplifier and the Grand Unified Theory

December 21, 2007

The Audio Research LS17 Preamplifier and the Grand Unified Theory     December 2007        Things tend toward integration; physics and chemistry; gravity and quantum theory; and perhaps more valuably for you and me, tubes and [Read More]

The Red Wine Audio 30.2 Integrated Amplifier

July 22, 2007

The Red Wine Audio 30.2 Integrated Amplifier Off The Grid. Way Off   July 2008     Gasoline is expensive and electricity, dirty. Everyone’s griping about the former, but it’s pretty much just we audiophiles who care [Read More]

The Opera Audio Reference 2.2 Linear CD player

January 7, 2007

The Opera Audio Reference 2.2 Linear CD player Achieving Consonance   January 2007       I reviewed the more modest CD 120 Linear from Opera Audio by Consonance for The Stereotimes a little while ago [Read More]

Audio Art Cables and Interconnects

November 29, 2006

Audio Art Cables and Interconnects An Incredibly Affordable Most Wanted Product   November 2006   Audio Art– The Man– The Company One brand of cables that has seen off its share of more expensive brands [Read More]

Hyperion Sound HWS-586 Loudspeaker

June 15, 2006

    June 2006 I’d like to thank the Academy….If Hyperion Sound wins any more cyber awards for sonic excellence, somebody over there’s gonna have to make a run to Comp USA and pick up [Read More]

DR Acoustics (77)DR Acoustics (78)DR Acoustics (79)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, John Hoffman, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, Stephen Yan, and Rob Dockery

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

Music Reviewers:
Carlos Sanchez, John Jonczyk, John Sprung and Russell Lichter

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry