Category: ST 2014 High End Report

Stereo Times’ High End 2014 Munich Report Part II

May 29, 2014

Auris Audio/Boenicke Wow! I couldn’t keep my eyes and ears off the gorgeous looking and brilliant sounding electronics from Auris Audio. Stylish Auris Audio hails from Serbia and reminds me of the Absolare but is less [Read More]

Stereo Times’ High End 2014 Munich Report

May 22, 2014

Overwhelmed would be considered an understatement!  No matter how many times I’ve attended the High End Show in Munich, Germany, its sheer size never ceases to amaze. Held every second week in May, this was [Read More]

Bliss Hifi (72)Kharma Audio (33)PS Audio (60)

Stereo Times Masthead

Clement Perry

Dave Thomas

Senior Editors
Frank Alles, Mike Girardi, John Hoffman, Russell Lichter, Terry London, Moreno Mitchell, Paul Szabady, Bill Wells, Mike Wright, Stephen Yan, and Rob Dockery

Current Contributors
David Abramson, Tim Barrall, Dave Allison, Ron Cook, Lewis Dardick, Dan Secula, Don Shaulis, Greg Simmons, Eric Teh, Greg Voth, Richard Willie, Ed Van Winkle, and Rob Dockery

Music Reviewers:
Carlos Sanchez, John Jonczyk, John Sprung and Russell Lichter

Site Management  Clement Perry

Ad Designer: Martin Perry